Thursday, April 23, 2009

Film resources on the internet

As I mentioned in class, there are a wealth of resources about avant-garde and influential film and video on the internet. The trick is, of course, finding the stuff that is important. 

Here are some resources:

UBUWEB - a large web-based educational resource for avant-garde material available on the internet, founded in 1996 by poet Kenneth Goldsmith. It offers visual, concrete and sound poetry, expanding to include film and sound art mp3 archives.

From UBUWEB there are links to film and also print resources - see

For film see

The film we watched was Un Chien Andalou (1929) by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali. It is no longer available on UBU but you can search for it on Things are often available once you know to look for them. UBU is a good starting point for making a list for your self-guided tour.


  1. Prof. Tyler, I just wanted to tell you that I submitted my final exam assignment today Thursday 30th and I haven't received any form of confirmation email. I just wanted to make sure that you received my work. Thanks!

  2. That's Jose Martinez from your Tuesday Thursday class at 11:15. thanks
