Thursday, February 12, 2009

What is your preferred format for the final exam?

What is your preferred format for the final exam?

I am leaning towards a take-home exam. Technically, the exam should take place on Thursday, April 30th during class time. If we choose to do a take-home exam, then I will give you a list of points and questions to study on April 14th. On Tues, April 28th, I will distribute the take home exam, which will consist of a selection of the questions in the review. There will be no surprises. You will be required to turn in your final exam (I prefer typed) by 12:30pm on Thurs, April 30.

For those students who are making travel plans, notify me and we can adjust the plan for your schedule.

Please post our comments about this issue here.


  1. I bought my ticket to Europe leaving April 28th. I prefer having a take home exam early so that I can turn it in to you before then.

  2. Chad, that's just what I had in mind for you. I will plan to give you your take-home exam early, but your version will be different than the one I give to the rest of the class. I hope you have fun in Europe!

  3. The format for the final test I believe, should reflect that of the teaching style as well as the given tests prior.

    Meaning, if we're all just going to read from a book and take a test in class, then the final should be like that. But, if we're going to be doing more interactive curriculum such as visiting museums, doing research projects and the ilk (as we're doing now), then I think a take home test is just fine (at least for me).

  4. Take home test sounds fine to me.
    Just give us a rubric of how you will be grading it, so we have certain guidelines for grading in mind.

  5. All your comments seem fair to me. As for the format of the class, I certainly want the class to be more interactive. I think we will return to the reading from Janson's and lecture model on Thursday and stay in class for the next couple of weeks. We have some ground to cover so that we will have material to fall back on in the field trips.

    As for grading, I am always looking for your engagement with the reading assignments and in-class discussions. I am also looking for your ability to answer questions in a good writing style and with examples. I understand that the first quiz was a surprise to some of you. Hopefully the assignments will help us get to know one another, while providing a different way to engage with the material. The assignments will contribute to your grade as well.
